Growing Up to Become an Artist


Me in1977

    Way back when this photo was taken, I was cramming a final art project in to one evening, even though we were given an entire month to work on our project. I realized then that I work best under pressure and since I can remember I've always been somewhat of a procrastinator. Unless it has to do with desserts, happy hours, or shopping. Oh by the way, I received an A for that semester!

    There are many kinds of artists and ways to be creative as I've learned, and since I've only twice in my lifetime produced large amounts of art at a time I do not consider myself prolific by any means. Because of this I often ask myself, am I really an artist? As I turned 60 during this pandemic I have noticed a shift in what I consider to be a creative life, at least for me. My art supplies have been swapped for balanced peaceful living, more time for developing friendships, fun with grandkids, redecorating our home, and self-care. We can be creative in so many areas of our lives. Paper and pen is not my only medium. If I can throw in my Instant Pot into the mix of creative tools that would be even better, because we all know those work great under pressure too.