A Grandmother's Love


Roslyn & Me 2018

“Grandmas are moms with lots of frosting.” – Unknown

This quote couldn't be more true for me. I watch my daughter make all the conscientious food choices at her house, as she should. But, when it comes to Grandma's house, it's fruit snacks and Poptarts, and sometimes nature's candy when I'm feeling a little guilty, raisins.

My Grandmother was the greatest and most influential person as to what a Grandmother could be and even though she is gone now, her memory is with me nearly every day. Especially on the days I'm playing Grandma.

The comfort and fun my Grandmother brought into my life helped to smooth the often abrasive parenting within my own home as a kid. Thankfully, it just takes one person in a family to tender many wounds.

Little red satin pajamas

So silky & soft

Just like my Grandmother's love

They cover and comfort me

While I sleep

Dreaming of a magical world

Only in the mind of a hopeful child

Healing and caressing

the voices

Where pain has no rest.


In memory of my Grandma Verla