Dancing With the Waves


I have danced the edge of this vast ocean for some time now
I have let the waves tempt me
And lap at my feet

I have been weary and have hung my head
But, I have seen the beauty in the grains of sand
The perfect white sea shells
And the tiny air bubbles popping with life

At times when I was strong
My whole being felt the warmth of the surface
The miracle of the sun
Seagulls singing above me
And the wind on my face

And now
The touch of my loved ones
Has surrounded me and given me strength
And for all that I am thankful for
in this amazing world
I now surrender to the mysteries of the Great Sea

No longer will the waves lap at my fragile feet
I will be that fantastic dolphin
Smiling at the sun
And remembering
The sparkling sand

For Doreen